The Benefits Of Choosing A Cotton Bath Rug

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The bathroom rug is one of the most used items in the home, used by every member of the family multiple times throughout the day. Morning, noon, and night, the bathroom rug is getting stood on, walked across, dampened, and squished. This is why it is very important to choose a sturdy type of bathroom rug for your bathroom and the reason why many people choose to purchase a cotton bath rug.


There are many benefits to choosing a cotton bath rug for your bathroom and the strength of the bath rug is high on the list. Cotton is a naturally durable material and can take a great deal of abuse before it begins to show signs of wear. A cotton bath rug that is stepped on immediately springs back into place without leaving an impression and the fibers used to create the bath rug are very strong, often needing a sharp object to separate them from each other.

A cotton bath rug is also one of the best for absorbing the water that runs off of the body when a person steps out of the bath or shower. This ensures that the water does not puddle on the floor, causing a safety hazard, and cotton fibers dry quickly, preventing the formation of mold or mildew within the bath rug. A cotton bath rug can be placed directly into a washing machine for washing and dried in a dryer without any harm coming to the bath rug that may warrant replacement within a short period of time.


A cotton bath rug is often considered to be one of the softest and most comfortable types of bath rug for the bathroom floor. This may not mean much when you can dash in and out quickly, but when you need to stand for an extended period of time, like drying long hair with a blow dryer, the extra comfort will be welcome. A cotton bath rug is generally room temperature while the tiles or linoleum of the bathroom floor is quite a few degrees colder, so the use of a cotton bath rug can keep your feet warmer in any type of weather.

A cotton bath rug with a high thread count is often considered to be a luxury bath rug. These rugs are softer and feel plush when compared to bath rugs that have a lower thread count. A high thread count cotton bath rug will be significantly more expensive than the typical bath rugs, so it is up to you to decide whether the extra comfort is worth the price.

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