Getting The Right Size Large Area Rug

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If you have a large room that you are considering putting a large area rug in, there are several things that you will need to keep in mind. Choosing a large area rug is not as easy as just going into a store and picking out the one that looks good. Getting the right size rug for the room will take some careful planning and consideration to make sure that you are getting the best area rug for your needs.

Full Room Area Rugs

Choosing a large area rug to fit an entire room is an attractive design option for many people. Instead of placing carpeting in the room, the person chooses a large area rug design that would look attractive in the room and chooses a size that would fit nicely into the room while still leaving a small portion of the original flooring uncovered. This design plan is often used when the person has hardwood flooring or tile flooring throughout the home.

To choose the right size large area rug for this design option, first you will need to measure the room and obtain the dimensions. After the room has been measured, you will need to subtract the same amount from all four sides to determine how large the area rug chosen for the room should be. For example, if the room that you will be placing the rug in is 10' x 12' and you would like to leave 3 feet of original flooring on each side of the room, then the dimensions of the large area rug that you purchase should be around 7' x 9'.

Some modern area rug styles have more than four sides or are asymmetrical, making it difficult to determine what size to purchase for the room. Some people in this situation choose to do a scale drawing of the room to see how much of the room they would like to cover and how a certain size of area rug would look in that area. This technique is more difficult, but is not used very often.

Fitting A Large Area Rug To Furniture

If you are placing a large area rug beneath a large piece of furniture, like a dining room table, the way to measure how big of a rug you will need is different. You will need to measure the furniture item instead of the entire room to make sure that the rug will fit under the furniture item while still leaving enough of the rug exposed to make a decorative statement in the room. The easiest way to accomplish this is to measure the furniture around all four sides and then add 2 or 3 feet extra to the total to let you know how large the area rug that will be going beneath the furniture should be.

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